Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dipping our toes in the water

Now that we have a little more time, we thought we'd explain our awesome blog name. We were studying for our LMCC when we came up with the idea of having a travel blog (Obviously more fun than studying). Since our minds were so wrapped around medicine, and there are so many medical acronyms, we came up with EGF, which can stand for endothelial growth factor, but is also our last names combined!!! (EGF = Esmail, Gibson, Fong). We are cool like that.

Back to Thailand. Today we arrived in Koh Phi Phi after another extremely early morning start (we woke up at 5am to make our flight). Koh Phi Phi is the most beautiful island in Thailand. Walking around makes us feel like we are in a magical place where the ocean is 30 degrees, the locals are welcoming, and the parties don't stop (till 6 in the mornin', 6 in the mornin'...) We can actually hear music blasting from the beach as we write this blog in our room lol. Koh Phi Phi is small enough that everyone walks by foot to get around, with the odd bicycle here and there. There are no cars or motorized transportation. Even though we've only been here a day, we've become acquainted with several locals. The streets are filled with little shops selling clothing and jewelry, massage parlors, tattoo parlors, and cute restaurants. We spent the day exploring the island, eating delicious pat Thai and our fav dish - fried basil and garlic with chicken, and setting up our open water dives to complete our PADI scuba diving certification. We also swam in the Andaman Sea for the first time. The water was so warm that we didn't want to get out (this is the warmest ocean any of us have ever swam in). After dinner we headed back to the beach for an entertaining fire dance show, performed by the winner of the Thailand national fire dance competition. From holding fire in the palm of his hand to whipping fire filled numbchucks at ridiculous speeds around his body, we were holding our breaths throughout the show.

Tomorrow we have yet again another early morning start for our first two dives. We are ecstatic to be able to dive in such a beautiful part of the world.

Bed time for now, will post about our ongoing adventures tomorrow.

xoxo EGF

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