Thursday, May 24, 2012

Oh my buddha

The next day was a travel day. We flew from Chiang Mai to Bangkok to Hanoi (Vietnam) on Bangkok Airways and then Qatar Airways. We love trying out different airlines, and so far Qatar is the winner. We have had some very intellectual conversations on this trip. here's a sample:

At the airport en route to Vietnam:
CF: "were going to have hundreds of thousands of gong after we exchange our money. It's going to be a gong show ha ha ha"
KG: (sarcastically) "I think that's actually the funniest joke I've heard you say in the last 3 years"
KE: "guys, I think it's dong."
CF and KG: "oh."
(FYI- dong is the currency in Vietnam, and 21,000d = $1 CDN)

At lunch:
Tour guide: for lunch, we're having elephant egg and fried rice. 
(food comes)
CF: are these actually elephant eggs?!? (pondering look)
KG: mammals don't lay eggs.

In Koh Phi Phi:
Simon (one of the divers): what did u do last night?
Us: we partied on the beach at Slinky's.
Simon: ah, you let your hair down.
KE: (touches her hair, which is in a ponytail) hmm.. Not really. It's still up.
Simon: (confused look) care to elaborate?
Us: (silence)

While Trekking:
CF: hey KG, give me a hand.
KG: (reaches out her hand) come to papa!

Still Laughing,


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